31st January 2021

Dear parents and carers,

I have updated the parent booklet, previously distributed in the summer and still available on our school website.

As we enter the 5th full week of remote learning, and with the current knowledge that schools will not reopen until at least the 8th March, a reminder of some of the great resources plus some new ones available may be of help.

As previously, one of my main worries during this time is the well-being for all of our families.

The following information gathers together some resources to help you support you and your child/ren. I hope you find this information helpful.  There is probably information that you already know here, and maybe some reminders.  The purpose is not to preach but to provide an avenue of support while we are closed.  You can choose to dip in and out as you feel you need to.

If you have any concerns about how your child is coping or you need any other support from the school, please let us know by contacting either your child’s class teacher (email addresses on our school website), or me directly at head@henhamugley.essex.sch.uk

We’re extremely grateful for all the support you’ve shown us as we’ve continued to adapt to these new circumstances, and I want to reassure you that we are still here to support you too.

With my continued best wishes,


Kim Hall
