29th January 2021

Dear parents/ carers,

I am sure you have all heard by now that Boris Johnson announced this week that schools would not be open until at least the 8th March.  I appreciate that this seems such a long way off, with no guarantee of what will happen on the 8th.

Please do continue to get in touch if things are becoming too much, to find out how we can help, above all, remember everyone’s circumstance is different and not to compare yourselves.  By supporting your children in such challenging circumstances, you are already doing a great job!  As cliché as it is, please be kind to yourselves and if things aren’t going to plan, stop, take a break and breath!

If you are members of our School Facebook group, you may already have seen the post from Mrs Cowell regarding Zones of Regulation.

During the next few weeks, the teachers will be introducing the Zones through their teaching sessions.  We will be using Zones across the school in order to support the children in recognising and labelling their emotions; using the visuals will help children to think about useful strategies they can use to manage their emotions and self-regulate.

Teachers will contact classes individually to let you know how the Zones can be adapted for their year group.

A parent guide is attached to this newsletter that I hope you will find helpful.

Invitation to review an Online Public Exhibition relating to the proposed new build accommodation at Henham & Ugley Primary and Nursery School: 

You will recall in last week’s newsletter, I attached the information regarding the replacement of Creaky Cottage (year 2) and the information inviting you to an online exhibition to review the current proposals. The online exhibition will be available from Monday 1st to Friday 12th February 2021 and can be viewed at https://consultations.essex.gov.uk/

As part of this procedure, I am currently in the process of writing a travel plan and have attached a link to a survey regarding travel to school.  We know that there is often congestion in School Lane, Sages and Pimblett Row, and I am working with ECC on trying to find solutions to the issues this presents to our neighbours and also to the safety of children walking down School Lane, as well as looking at ways we can encourage walking and cycling to school.

I would really appreciate it if you could spend a few minutes completing the survey as this an opportunity to put forward your opinions and experiences.  The results of the survey will be used to set the aims of the school travel plan; thank you.

The link to the survey is here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=mD_y8HszT0ixsC284DfMTf2FOfjN1fhGq5WM6xrTijdUQ1FTWE40VU9ONzFNNEs1TDlKMFc1T0pGWi4u

Are you in receipt of Free School Meals, vulnerable or at risk of food poverty? This February Half Term, Essex Boys and Girls Clubs and the Active Essex Foundation want to ensure that you and your families can still get active, enjoy healthy nutritious meals and take part in lots of fun activities together.   They are providing FREE virtual holiday activity clubs, with a timetable of online activities and a free family activity pack to collect. These packs will include a host of fun activity ideas and essential food items to create family meals inspired by their online chef, and are aimed at families in receipt of Free School Meals, or who identify as vulnerable or at risk of food poverty. Packs will be available for collection between 1.30pm and 3.30pm on 15th February. All the information is on the attached flyer. Booking closes at 23:59 on 4th February.

Big Garden Birdwatch: If you haven’t already heard, this weekend is the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch.  Click here for more information: https://www.rspb.org.uk/get-involved/activities/birdwatch/

Finally I wanted to share some of the fabulous work my online nursery group have completed this week.  What superstars they are!

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend, happy bird watching!


Kim Hall
