8th January 2021

Dear parents/ carers,

Well, although this wasn’t the start to the new year we were all hoping for, I continue to be so proud of our whole school community for the way in which everyone has dealt with the news that schools are closed until February half term and online learning becomes the norm again.

Thank you all for your support as the teachers delve into the world of live lessons; ensuring your children attend as many as possible, as well as completing the pre-recorded and set activities throughout the day.  I don’t underestimate how challenging this will be once again, but please know we are still here to support you in whatever way we can.

I have really enjoyed dipping into lessons this week, the children have been so engaged and excited.  It is fantastic to see how quickly even our youngest children have adapted to seeing their teacher on screen and how keen they are to be involved.  Year 1 were so quick during the phonic scavenger hunt, they beat me back every time!

I have and continue to be so impressed and proud of the teachers; how quickly they have enhanced the online provision for the children, and I thank them for adapting so quickly.

As we move into the first full week of online learning, I would just like to advise that Friday afternoons will be Planning and Preparation (PPA) time for all teachers, and therefore, there will be no live lessons on a Friday afternoon and teachers will not be available from 12 noon on Fridays.

Additionally, after speaking to ECC regarding GDPR compliance, we are not able to record live lessons that children are in; even if you have given permission to use videos with your child.

This means that if your child does miss a live lesson or join in late etc, there is no option to see it again.  There are of course lots of great videos through Oak Academy that cover all areas of the curriculum, if you do find yourself in this position. https://www.thenational.academy/

Free School Meals Vouchers:  If you are currently in receipt of free school meals, I will be in touch next week regarding the issue of vouchers or food hampers.

Flu Vaccine: The immunisations team at Dunmow West, have advised that if your child has not yet had the flu spray, and would still like it, you can call 0300 790 0597 to book an appointment.

A message from ECC: If you’ve tested positive or been asked to self-isolate it is really important that you stay home to stop the spread of Covid 19.  Essex County Council has secured an extra £3m from Government Covid funds to provide financial support to residents who need to self-isolate. The funds have been given to borough, city and district councils to provide one off £500 support payments to people unable to work and who do not qualify for the Government’s Test and Trace support payments. To apply for either the Government or discretionary grant see https://www.essex.gov.uk/test-and-trace-support-payment

It is important that everyone remembers to switch off from work and home learning, and take time out for yourselves – which I know is very difficult when you are working from home.  The day can become much longer without the boundary of attending and leaving school or work.  Please make sure you take time out to relax and have fun this weekend!

With my continued best wishes,


Kim Hall
