15th January 2021

Dear parents/ carers,

Week two complete!  Well done to you all for making it through the second week of the term; this is hard going I know and some of you may well be struggling under the pressure.  Please remember that every household is different and therefore experiences and accomplishments will not be the same.  If you are struggling to complete all the tasks set, remember what is provided is given as options for you, some will complete all, others will only manage a few.  This is ok, please be kind to yourselves and know that you are doing a great job.  Attending the live sessions is the priority and it’s a great way for the children to maintain their social contact (albeit in a virtual social setting!).

I know that live lessons can be overwhelming for some children but they can always pop on and then disable the camera if this is an area of concern.  Please speak to your class teacher if you have concerns about your child’s engagement, they are still here to help.

I know the class teachers have discussed basic rules during the live sessions but I would just like to highlight a couple so that all classes are in line.

It goes without saying that the same high standard of behaviour and respect is expected during the sessions, and this includes while children are ‘unattended’ in break out rooms.

Break time across the school is 10.30 – 11.00 and lunch time is 12 – 1pm.  I have noticed a number of children eating while in the live sessions which can be a little off putting, as well as making the rest of us hungry!  If you could remind your children to have their snacks/ lunch away from the live sessions, this would be great.

Most importantly, please don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourselves, as I say, you are doing a great job!  If we have any specific worries or concerns, myself and/ or the teachers will contact you directly to see how we can support you and your child/ren.

Covid suspected or confirmed: Can I please remind you that you still need to inform us (even if you are home learning), if your child has Covid, suspected Covid or is having to self-isolate, as we have to let the DfE know the following information each day:

  • How many of your pupils or students have notified you that they are unable to attend on site or undertake remote learning due to coronavirus (COVID-19) related reasons?
  • Number of suspected cases of coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • Number of confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • Number requested to remain at home due to potential contact with a case of coronavirus (Covid-19) inside your setting.
  • Number of those remaining at home due to potential contact with a case of coronavirus (COVID-19) from outside your setting including self-isolation.

Have a great weekend, switch off, make some time for you! (In between enjoy learning all about Teams! )

With my continued best wishes,


Kim Hall
