22nd  October 2021

Dear parents/ carers,

Well, we made it in one piece to the end of the first half term!  I’m going to start this week’s newsletter off with some sporting news:

Years 3 and 4 took part in our first face to face dodgeball tournament since restrictions began on Thursday.  What superstars they all were! Huge congratulations to the Henham Purple Team; Alfie, Ben, Dot, Harry M, Holly, Lara, Millie, Olivia S, Seth and Teddy, who finished first overall and have qualified for the Uttlesford Schools Sports Partnership finals in December – a fantastic achievement!

Well done to Key Stage 2 who pushed themselves this week by taking part in a mini marathon.  Thank you to Lexi, Esme, Olivia S, Maryiam, Millie and Olivia H, who wrote a little piece to explain how it worked in year 4:

On Wednesday 20th October, Year 4 tested their perseverance by participating in a mini marathon. Year 4 took part in this event to become a fitter person. You had to run 2.6 miles (47 laps of the KS2 playground) to complete the mini marathon. This event stretched over Wednesday and Thursday, but some people challenged themselves to do it in one go! We could have breaks whenever we wanted to, once you finished you became a cheerleader to encourage other people to push themselves on, some people imagined themselves in costumes!

Here are some pictures from the classes:

House Points:  Congratulations to the Blue Team who were our first placed winners this week.

40 30    20 10

School photographs: VIEWING CARDS: Following Pret-a-Portrait’s recent visit to take school photographs, a  viewing card explaining how you can view and order pictures was sent home with your child.

If for any reason your viewing didn’t make it to you, please contact Pret-a-Portrait directly on 0800 021 7626 or customerservice@pret-a-portrait.net

Remember to order any pictures you would like by 3rd November 2021, to take advantage of the early bird deadline!

 PSA Meeting: The PSA will be meeting on Monday 1st November, 8pm at the Cock, to discuss fund raising in the run up to Christmas. Everyone is welcome, so come along to chat about Raffle’s, Christmas Parties and lots more fun fund raising activities we have planned, to see how you can get involved.

PSA Design a Christmas card:  Over the last week your child/ren would have come home with their design for a Christmas card, along with an order form.  Thanks to Prontaprint Bishops Stortford for once again organising the design a Christmas Card project for this Autumn term.

The Christmas card designs will be professionally printed and can be purchased for £5.50 for a pack of 12 cards bearing your child’s name on the back as the designer.  Each pack ordered raises £1 for the school.

You can also order gift tags, wrapping paper and mugs of the same design.

All order must be returned to the school classrooms by Monday 8th November.  Further details have been sent home with your child’s design.

 Primary Aged Children suggesting twice weekly LFTs:  Please see the attached letter from ECC and Mike Gogarty, which suggests that pupils of primary age carry out lateral flow tests twice weekly. Schools are not expected to provide test kits and parents should obtain a test kits as outlined here. Where parents chose to collect kits from a pharmacy you will now need a code. Details of how to get a code are given in the link.

Parent Governor ElectionsYou will recall I sent out details of the ballot on Tuesday as we have two parent governor nominations.  A reminder that your voting slip must be returned to the school office by the 3.30pm on Tuesday 2nd November.

 Flu Immunisations:  Flu immunisations:  The postponed immunisations will now take place on Tuesday 9th November for Years R to 6.  If you haven’t already completed the permission form, you still have time!  I have attached it again for your reference.

Natasha’s Law and bringing food into schoolYou will recall I sent information out regarding the changes to allergen labelling information.  We have had several incidents recently of children bringing in food items to share with their friends.  Can I please remind you that any items given out in school must include an allergen list on the individual packaging and must not contain nuts or seeds.  Any items that do not fall within the law or contain nuts or seeds, will be returned to you.  Thank you for your cooperation with this.

That’s it for this half term, I hope you all have a super break and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 2nd November.

Best wishes,


Kim Hall
