20th October 2022

Dear parents/ carers,

Well, that was a wet start this morning to mark the end of the last day of autumn half term!

Some lovely celebration messages today, starting with…

Making an Egyptian museum: A message from Miss Branch: I was so impressed with the children in Year 3 on Wednesday. They told us what they wanted to get out to share with their parents for their museum and independently they set up the tables with the different interactive activities we had completed during lessons; games they had made at home and all of their Egyptian work in their books.

They created their museum with very little adult input and then shared this very animatedly with their parents and the Year 1 children. Such a lovely way to end the half term – well done Year 3!


While the sun was shining, on Tuesday afternoon our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes participated in a ‘Teddy Run’ event on our field.  They participated in a variety of games and activities and had a wonderful time!  Many thanks to Lacey, Lyra, Stan and Toby in Year 6 who assisted and supported the children with great leadership and enthusiasm.

Two more reasons to be proud of our children!

Celebrating success outside of school, huge congratulations go to Libby in Year 4, who had a once in a lifetime opportunity to participate and represent her gymnastics club at Gymnastique Magique display event at Paris last weekend.  We are so proud of Libbs, she won two silvers for primary duo and the primary group.  Still full of beans, she then participated in the Gymnastique Magique pre-parade, dancing through the streets of Disney, followed by the Disney characters.  What an amazing achievement and experience!

More success, this time for Ben in Year 5 who successfully passed his grade one guitar recently – Ben we are so proud of you; well done!

PSA design a Christmas Card project with Prontaprint Bishops Stortford: Following on from last week’s newsletter, some classes have already completed their Christmas card designs and these will be coming home to you this week, the remaining classes will follow after half term.

Full details of what to do next is included with your child’s design.  This is such a lovely gift idea as the Christmas card designs will be professionally printed and you will also be able to order gift tags, wrapping paper and mugs of the same design.

If you would like any additional sheets for use at home, please do let your child’s class teacher or me know.

A couple of reminders:

Grapes must be cut in half lengthways:  We still have some children coming into school with whole grapes, and these could present a choking hazard, please cut them in half lengthways; thank you.

Reporting your child’s absence:  if you leave a message on the school answering machine, could you please ensure you state your child’s full name, your name and the reason for your child’s absence.  Absences must be reported to us by 9.30am.  Thank you.

And finally, a note from Mrs Espie: We love to celebrate the children’s achievements both in and out of school, along with staff achievements too!  A very modest Mrs Hall’s marathon efforts most definitely need to be recognised and celebrated within our school community!  Keeping it very quiet (with the majority of staff completely unaware of her personal challenge), Kim completed this year’s virtual London Marathon; 26.2 miles around the Essex countryside!  Her t-shirt and medal have finally arrived after a long anticipated wait!  We are so proud of your amazing stamina Mrs Hall, you are definitely a shining example of resilience, determination and stamina!

If you are attending the PSA Halloween Disco this afternoon/ evening, have a spooktacular time!

I wish everyone a wonderful half term break, remember, school is closed tomorrow Friday 21st October.  Children return to school on Tuesday 1st November.

Best wishes,


Kim Hall


Coming up:

PSA: Halloween Disco:  Thursday 21st October!

Thursday 20th October: Last day of the autumn half term – normal school finish time.

Friday 21st October: Non Pupil Day

Monday 24th – Friday 28th October: half term

Monday 31st October: Non Pupil Day

Tuesday 1st November: Children return to school

Friday 11th November: Henham Christmas Market

Monday 21st November and Thursday 24th November: Parent consultations (face to face) 3.30 – 6pm: We have pushed this date back to later in the term this year so the meetings coincide with our assessment cycle.  Booking information to follow after half term.

Tuesday 13th December: KS1 Christmas production performances to parents/ carers: 9.30am and 1.30pm

Wednesday 14th December: Christmas School Lunch day

Friday 16th December: Nursery and Reception class Christmas performance to parents/ carers: 9.30am