19th November 2021

Dear parents/ carers,

How lovely it was to see so many colours in school today in response to our School Councils request to support Children in Need.  Thank you for your generosity, a wonderful £120 was raised.

You will have noticed that your child has come home from school today with their own high visibility jacket.   In response to my newsletter information last week about road safety, Mr Collins, parent to Grace and George, has very generously provided each child from Nursery to Year 6 with their own high visibility jacket.

Such an incredible act of kindness – thank you Mr Collins.

Travelling book fair:  I am delighted to let you know we have the travelling book fair coming into school on Thursday 25th November.  Information will be sent out on Monday.

PSA:  Keep an eye on your emails – information about the wonderful plans the PSA are putting in place for our children in the lead up to Christmas, will be on their way soon!

Parent Volunteers:  a message from Mrs EspieWe are very excited to be able to welcome parent helpers back into school to support learning in the classrooms.  We fully appreciate how valuable your time is and how quickly the school day goes!  If you already hold a DBS with us, and feel you are able to regularly offer anything from an hour, to perhaps a morning or afternoon, we would love to hear from you.

I will be running a short training session for parent helpers, in preparation for you to support us at 2pm on Tuesday 30th November, for any parent wishing to volunteer with us,.  The training will cover various procedures including changing books, reading with children and how to work and support a small group of children (within the classroom).  Unfortunately, it will not be possible for you to volunteer unless you have attended this training and have a DBS through Henham school.  If you wish to support a class later in the year, another training session will be scheduled for the end of the Spring Term.

Unfortunately, it isn’t possible for you to support in your child’s class nor can we accommodate specific class requests by volunteers.

If you would like to become a parent volunteer, and can attend the training session, please notify Mrs Hall by Friday 26th November.  If you don’t hold a DBS with us, this can also be arranged.

Parent information:  Please find attached two flyers, one for a SEND roadshow and one for a parent webinar on county lines.

House Points:  Congratulations to the PURPLE Team who were our first placed winners this week.

40 30    20 10

Finally, it’s not too late if you haven’t handed in your ‘design a Christmas card’ with Prontaprint, Bishops Stortford.  We have been advised you have until the 1st December to get your forms in.  If you would like a blank form for younger family members (or older!), we have spares in the school office.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, with best wishes,


Kim Hall
