12th November 2021

Dear parents/ carers,

It’s that time of year again where it’s getting darker earlier and we have darker mornings.  I have attached a flyer which contains useful Road Safety resources reminding pupils why it is important that everyone dresses brightly when out and about.

Please also see the following links for activities and resources you can use with your children at home:



Sporting news from Miss Branch:  On Wednesday afternoon children across Key Stage 2 took part in the cross country event on the Henham school field. They ran distances of either 1,200m for Lower Key Stage 2 and 1,700m for Upper Key Stage 2. All children who took part were resilient given it was drizzling and the course was muddy. They decided whether they wanted to run the whole way or jog some and walk other sections but all children who committed at the start of the race completed it! Children who finished first were then supporting others who were still running – either running around with them or cheering them on from the sides. It was great to see such great sportsmanship across all year groups; well done everyone!

House Points:  Congratulations to the RED Team who were our first placed winners this week.

40 30    20 10


A piece from Thomas H and Isla M in Year 5: On Tuesday, Year 5 class went for a lovely walk to the war memorial in Henham, we attached our poppies to the war memorial fence. To think about remembrance day, we made

poppies in our art lesson using plastic bottles, paint and wire. It was extremely fun. Once we arrived at the war memorial we wired our poppies to the fence and thought about all the

people who have given their lives in wars or who have been affected by war. After that, we walked passed the duck ponds, then walked back. We had hot chocolate, marshmallows and a digestive biscuit too!

There will be a Remembrance service at St Mary’s Church in Henham that starts in the church at 10.45am and then proceeds to the memorial for an act of Remembrance on Sunday 14th November.

Requesting Music Lessons at Henham & Ugley Primary School: the office have sent a letter out today to remind parents that if you would like your child to take part in 1 to 1 instrumental lessons at school starting in the spring term, you can do this via the online link by Friday 19th November.

To book lessons for the Spring Term 2022, please follow this link:


This will only need to be completed once, and tuition will continue each term unless you choose otherwise.

Finally, our School Council have requested we support Children in Need on Friday 19th November.   They have asked that children come into school wearing a colour or colours, of the rainbow, in exchange for £1 or whatever you can afford as a donation.  If your child usually comes into school in PE kit on this day, they can wear a suitable PE kit in their chosen colours!

Have a super weekend everyone, with best wishes,


Kim Hall
