18th November 2022

Dear parents/ carers,

Another week has flown by and what a great way to end the week celebrating Children in Need. Thank you for your donations so far, £135.40; we will be collecting on Monday if you would like to donate still.

Sports News: I am delighted to let you know the results of the Tag Rugby event at Howe Green this week.  We had three teams entered, the A Team, Red Team and Blue Team.

All of the children were a credit to Henham and were congratulated by the coaches and other schools attending for their superb sportsmanship, leadership and behaviour.

Congratulations to the A Team (green bibs) who came 1st, The Red Team (no bibs) who also came in 1st place and the Blue Team (purple bibs!) who came in 3rd.  Well done everyone, we are all so proud of you!

House Points: Well done to the GREEN Team who have taken first placed position this week!

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 Headteacher Awards: Congratulations to the children who were awarded my Headteacher’s Award this week:

Nursery Class Jackson
Reception Class Ronnie & Matilda
Year 1 Abel & Oliver
Year 2 Finn & Freddie
Year 3 Primrose & James
Year 4 Isaac & Marlie
Year 5 Leah & Teddy
Year 6 Thomas A & Ella

School Photography:  Following Pret-a-Portrait’s recent visit to take school photographs, if you haven’t managed to order your photos yet, there is still time to grab a bargain! Pret-a-Portrait have confirmed this week that the early bird discount deadline has been extended to Monday 28th November.

Attendance – an important message:  As you will know from the information I sent out at the beginning of the autumn term, attendance is high on the Government agenda and schools have a responsibility to ensure maximum attendance.

Being absent from school has a negative impact on a child’s progress, attainment and well-being.

I advised on the 9th September I would be monitoring attendance closely as I have a responsibility under the latest guidance: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/working-together-to-improve-school-attendance  An attendance of 90% or below is considered persistent absence by the Government.

In light of the above, I am required to issue a formal letter to parents of children whose attendance has fallen below 955 and 90%.  These letters will be sent out to parents next week.

I appreciate that there has been a lot of bugs going around lately, and this will have meant your child could not attend school and their attendance level will have fallen.  Even though this absence is authorised (in most cases), I still have a duty to issue the required letter to parents.  Thank you for your support with this.

Volunteer Readers:  We are still looking for volunteer readers to support in the classes.  Please do drop me a message or come and see me at the school gate if this is something you would like to do; thank you!

Booking for Wrap Around Care: A polite reminder that if you are able, please do book ahead for breakfast and afterschool club so the staff know the amounts of food/ snacks/ dietary requirements, to prepare for each session.  This can be completed using your Scopay login; thank you!

Christmas card competition – a message from Kemi Badenoch MP: In the run up to the festive season this year, I am inviting pupils at Henham and Ugley Primary School to take part in my e-Christmas card competition for children up to the age of 11 in the Saffron Walden constituency.

The winning design will feature on my e-Christmas card to residents, businesses and colleagues in Parliament, including the Prime Minister and they will receive a hand-signed certificate.

The top 3 entries will feature on my website.

Designs can be posted individually by parents to:

Kemi Badenoch MP

House of Commons



I have enclosed an entry form which can be used and will also accept digital designs at: kemi.badenoch.mp@parliament.uk.

The entry does not have to be completed on the design form but be must be on A4 paper. Please include the name of the pupil, year group and name of school.

We will request parental consent for the name of the winning entry to be shared once they have been chosen. The deadline for entries is 9th December 2022.

A message from Vicar Louis: We’re looking for homes in Henham with a visible window who would be happy to display a Christmas word (which we will supply).  Just before 17th  December, maps will be available and we will invite the whole village to hunt down all the words which they can then bring along on Christmas Eve to collect a prize.   Please see the flyer for more information.

Parent consultations: This is to confirm the following arrangements regarding parents consultations on Monday and Thursday next week.

Year R & 1: parents will see teachers in the Year 1 class – books to view will be in the Reception classroom.

Year 2: parents will see teachers in the Year 2 class – books to view will be in the lobby of Year 2

Year 3, 4, 5, 6:  parents will see teachers in their child’s class – books to view will be in the library area by the year 5 and 6 classrooms.

Visit to school: Year 5 had a brilliant afternoon today with a visit from Abbie Ayre and the Shed of Science.  The children thoroughly enjoyed a fun-filled, interactive performance whilst learning how we can all reduce air pollution.

That leaves me with a final note to share some fabulous pictures of our wonderful outside forest area being used last night by the 1st Henham & Elsenham Scouting Group.  What a super time they all had!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, with best wishes,


Kim Hall


Coming up:


17th – 24th November: Travelling Book Fair in school

Monday 21st November and Thursday 24th November: Parent consultations (face to face) 3.30 – 6pm.

Santas in the Square event – Sunday 4th December: Accuro is a local charity supporting children, young people, and adults with a disability through social activities and clubs in West Essex. Accuro is about disability empowerment and inclusion. Our projects aim to increase confidence, independence, and self-esteem so our members can belong, contribute, and thrive in the wider world.

If you have any queries regarding this event, then please do get in contact with the organisers.

Uttlesford Community Travel Christmas Concert: Saturday 10th December

Tuesday 13th December: KS1 Christmas production performances to parents/ carers: 9.30am and 1.30pm

Wednesday 14th December: Christmas School Lunch day

Friday 16th December: Nursery and Reception class Christmas performance to parents/ carers: 9.30am

Tuesday 20th December: Christmas celebration at St Mary’s Church, Henham – 9.15am start – children and parents to meet us at the church.  Children that attend breakfast club or any parents not able to meet us at the church to be walked up by staff from school.  All children and staff will be walking back to school after the service, volunteers to support the walk back welcomed!

Tuesday 20th December: Last day of the autumn term 1- 1.15pm finish.  Please note, there will be no after-school provision on this day.