18th December 2020

Dear parents/ carers,

Well, we have made it to the last day of the autumn term!  I’ll try and keep this newsletter short and sweet so you can start relaxing!

Thank you so much to everyone that took part in the Christmas raffle, early totting up shows an amazing £720 has been raised for the school!  An incredible amount in such a short space of time!  Thank you so much for your support and to those that donated such fabulous raffle prizes.

Thank you all so much also, for the generous donations for Uttlesford Food Bank, this will be taken over to UFB and make such a difference for many families, such a fabulous community we have, thank you.

I’ve attached the letter sent last week outlining the expectations regarding contact tracing during the Christmas period.  It is important that any correspondence regarding contact tracing is sent directly to me,  head@henhamugley.essex.sch.uk thank you.

Flu immunisations: If your child missed the recent flu immunisations for any reason, you can call 0300 790 0597 and book a place at a local clinic.

There are three additional attachments to this newsletter for you to read:

  • Letter from the Governing Board
  • ‘Safe in Essex Festive Programme’ aimed at 8-11 year olds.
  • Extra help programme information.

I know I’ve said it before, but I am so proud to be part of such a wonderful community.  We know this has been a challenging term, but working together we have managed to get through and ensure the children are happy and settled.  We have such a fantastic staff team and I can’t thank them enough for their hard work and commitment to always ensuring the best for our children.  I would also like to thank our wonderful Governing Board for their continued support.  And of course, our wonderful parents; thank you for trusting the decisions that have had to be made this term and supporting us during these strange times.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year and look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 6th January when the children return to school for the start of the spring term.  The self-stagger start and finish times will remain as they currently are.

Happy Christmas everyone!


Kim Hall
