11th December 2020

Dear parents/ carers,

What a super week this has been, Christmas day at Henham was a great success with so much laughter and cheer around the school.  Thank you so much for your donations, you raised a fantastic £134 for our school.

In addition to this newsletter, you will find attached an explanation letter outlining the expectations regarding contact tracing during the Christmas period.  Please do take the time to read the important information, and of course, if you have any questions, please do ask, either in person at morning drop off or after school pick up, or by emailing me directly at head@henhamugley.essex.sch.uk Thank you 😊

Also attached is a letter from Essex County Council regarding Covid Winter Grant Payments for the Christmas period.  If you are currently eligible for the vouchers, I will be organising these next week and will contact you directly to advise.  Please do refer to the information letter if you are not currently in receipt of Free School Meals but think you may be eligible.

Flu Vaccinations: If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 and has not yet had their flu vaccination, the nursing team will be back in on Thursday 17th to administer them.  Unfortunately, not all children were able to receive theirs this week, but those already signed up will get them on Thursday.

PSA – Christmas Raffle: a reminder that raffle ticket monies and stubs need to be returned by the end of the school day on Tuesday 15th December.  You can purchase additional tickets before and after school from the PSA on Monday and Tuesday next week, or by contacting  keeleypsa@henhamugley.essex.sch.uk direct.

Headteacher Awards: Congratulations to the following children who received one of my awards today:

Reception Class Ava E
Year 1 Chloe N
Year 2 Jack Gl
Year 3 Lexi M
Year 4 Callum J
Year 5 Tameema A
Year 6 Kanji R

A final shout out for items for Uttlesford Food Bank (UFB):  I will be delivering the items received on Friday 18th December.  Thank you so much for your generosity so far.  Donated items can still be left at your child’s class next week.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) We have updated our privacy notice and Data Protection Policy and these, along with all of our current GDPR information, can be found on our website: https://henhamugley.essex.sch.uk/information/gdpr/

Finally, a reminder that our last day of the autumn term next week is Friday 18th December and school will finish at 1.30pm for all children.   There is no after school provision on Friday, but breakfast club is still available.  Wrap around care will resume on the children’s first day back for the spring term, Wednesday 6th January 2021.

Continue to keep safe everyone and have a wonderful weekend,


Kim Hall
