5th December 2020

Dear parents/ carers,

Well I don’t know about you, but I certainly wasn’t expecting such a disruption due to the weather yesterday morning!

Quite a brief newsletter this week, just a few reminders and a little extra!

Headteacher Awards: Congratulations to the following children who received one of my awards on Friday:

Reception Class Dylan
Year 1 Evie S
Year 2 Emily E
Year 3 Alfie Mc
Year 4 Alexis C
Year 5 Rudi M
Year 6 Summer L

PSA – Christmas Raffle: Keep an eye out for the PSA raffle tickets and information dropping into your email boxes on Monday!

We are still collecting for Uttlesford Food Bank (UFB):  Thank you so much for the items that have already been donated for UFB.  We will continue collecting until the end of the term.  Please take donated items directly to your child’s class, thank you.

Flu Vaccinations – Wednesday 9th December: A final reminder to make sure you have registered ahead of this Wednesday. We cannot register your child, it must be completed by following the link here

Wednesday 9th December 2020 – Christmas day at Henham!  A reminder that this Wednesday is Christmas at Henham.  All the classes will be involved in Christmas themed learning and activities.  School lunch will have a Christmas theme with lovely Christmas extras.  Come to school in your favourite Christmas outfit!  Jumpers, party wear, sparkles!!  We are asking for a donation of £1, to go directly to the school.

As we enter the final 2 weeks of the term, a reminder that Friday 18th December is the last day of the term and school will finish at 1.30pm for all children. 

Breakfast club will still be running but there will be no after school club for this day only.  Wrap around will resume on Wednesday 6th January 2021.

Finally, Essex library services are launching The Winter Reading Challenge today and would love to invite all of our children and families to take part.

All you need to do is visit your local library and collect one of their exclusive Giant Bookmarks, which will be stamped with a special woodland creature stamp for each book the children read. The aim is to read 6 books over the winter period and receive a large golden star to complete the challenge. There is no joining process or forms to complete and families can take part at any point from 5th December 2020 – 27th February 2021.

Watch the start of Fraser’s story on their YouTube channel. for more information.

Continue to keep safe everyone and have a wonderful weekend,


Kim Hall
