Dear Parents/Carers,

Year 1 had a wonderful time on their trip to Stansted fire station, who would have thought that Mrs Espie would make such a great fire person? Thank you so much to our volunteer helpers Mary Compton and Nicki Powter.

The hungry caterpillar made his appearance in Nursery and Reception this week. He helped the nursery children with their counting and even inspired Mrs Gill to have her nails painted!

Children in reception have been inspired by our slightly more ‘spring like’ weather and have been creating a Spring dance focusing on opposites: forwards and backwards, up and down, right and left.

Year 5 have been absorbed in their Stone Age topic and making natural paints using berries, clay, soil, and turmeric to create cave paintings, what a messy business! Year 3 learnt a new maths vocabulary word ‘subtrahend’ thank you for teaching me the meaning Year 3. They have also enjoyed ‘free writing’ using their creative ideas in their writing.

In year 4, production preparation has begun – exciting times ahead! They have also been absorbed in the grips of their class read ‘Butterfly Lion’ by Michael Morpurgo as well in science investigating stages from the water cycle and precipitation.  They created their own rain model using shaving foam as the cloud and filtered through the water drops (using food colouring) which then precipitated through the cloud!

Year 6 took a stroll through the village this week as part of their Victorian history topic – what would Henham have been like in the Victorian era? – speak to a year 6 child and they’ll be able tot tell you. They also enjoyed making spectroscopes, using CD’s and pringle tubes. These highlighted the different light sources.

All in all, a busy week packed with great learning – well done everyone!

Thank you so much for your support of Comic Relief – so far, just over £200 has been raised!

In our Friday assembly, we celebrated the following Headteacher Awards:

Nursery Finn
Reception Martha & Savannah
Year 1 Oliver & Annabelle
Year 2 Reggie & Alice
Year 3 Juno & Samuel
Year 4 Leo & Lacey
Year 5 Millie & Mariyam
Year 6 Joseph & Lewis

House Points: well done to the Blue team!

Red Green Purple Blue
30 10 20 40

Thank you to those amazing parents who spent their Sunday tidying, clearing and making the school grounds look pretty. We are so grateful to you!

Parent Consultations – booking now live!  Mrs Nicholls has sent out the information for you to book your slots for our upcoming parent consultations session on Monday 27th and Thursday 30th March.  Please do contact the office if you need any support with booking via Scopay.  Myself, Mary Compton and Jo Goldsmith our Joint Chairs of Governors, will also be available during these sessions.

Have a super weekend everyone!