10th March 2023

Dear parents/ carers,

Thank you for such a warm welcome back – sorry about bringing the cold weather back with me!

Could I please ask that all children have a coat with them each day as we have some children without them.

 Well done to our footballers!  The team played against Great Chesterford on Thursday after school and won 9-1.  Another fantastic achievement; well done team Henham!

Staffing News: You heard last week that our lovely Miss Branch is expecting her first child at the end of the summer.  As I’m sure you are aware, contracting chicken pox and other infectious illnesses during pregnancy can cause harm for both Mum and the unborn child.

Could you please therefore let the school know if your child develops an infectious rash; thank you.

Our lovely Mrs Janet Pascoe who is currently working in Year 5 is retiring at the end of this term.  Mrs Pascoe has been at Henham since 2004 and will be missed by us all.  We all wish her much love and happiness for her retirement.

Congratulations to the following children who have been awarded my Headteacher Award this week:

Nursery Class Xavier
Reception Class Lydia & Priscilla
Year 1 Riley & Jesse V
Year 2 Florentina & James
Year 3 Ella-Rose & Lukas
Year 4 Ava & Lola
Year 5 Esme & Liv H
Year 6 Ella, Isla & Alexis

House Points: Well done to the PURPLE Team who have taken first placed position this week!

40    30  20 10


A reminder about parking and speedlocal residents have been in touch to let me know that we have parents parking over their dropped kerbs during the morning and afternoon drop off and pick-ups, or across their driveways in both School Lane and Pimblett Row.  This is leaving them unable to leave their properties.

Additionally, parking over a dropped kerb causes restrictions for pedestrians getting across pavements safely.  It has been raised to me this week that this is causing parents and children to have to walk blindly into the road to cross.  For those parents with children in buggies, this is especially dangerous .  Could I please urge everyone to be considerate with their parking; ideally parking outside of School Lane and walking down to school.

Additionally, the speed of some of the cars coming down School Lane is unsafe for our children.  Please do reduce your speed to keep all our children and families safe.

PSA: The PSA Annual General Meeting will be on Wednesday 19th April, 7pm on Zoom.   Everyone is welcome!

That’s it for this week.  Have a super weekend everyone, see you on Monday.


Kim Hall


Dates for your diary below!

Dates for your diary

Parent Consultations (face to face) Monday 27th March 3.30 – 6pm
Parent Consultations (face to face) Thursday 30th March 3.30 – 6pm
Whole Class photos Monday 22nd May
Year 3 and 4 Production Thursday 25th May

2 performances: 9.30am and 1.30pm

Whole school (including nursery) Family Sports morning and picnic Thursday 29th June 9.30 – 1pm
Monday 3rd July Whole school open afternoon 3.15 – 4.15pm
KS2 competitive sports afternoon Wednesday 12th July 1pm