7th November 2020

Dear parents/ carers,

It has been lovely to see the children back after the half term.  The move into the second lockdown, has thankfully, still allowed for schools to remain open.  It has however, meant some adjustments in school have had to be made with regard to staffing, following the announcement at the end of last week that Extremely Clinically Vulnerable staff, work from home.

The latest information can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/education-and-childcare-settings-new-national-restrictions-from-5-november-2020

One of the changes in school I need to advise you of, is our lunch menu.

Due to staff shortages, from Monday 16th November, we will need to reduce to a baguette only menu option each day and we will keep this in place until the end of the autumn term.

We will be putting on a Christmas cold lunch for the children on Wednesday 9th December, still baguettes, but with some lovely Christmas trimmings!

SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHY – VIEWING CARDS: Following Pret-a-Portrait’s recent visit to take school photographs, a  viewing card explaining how you can view and order pictures, has been sent home with children this week. The photo’s looked great!   Please ask your children to give it to you as soon as possible so you have a chance to order any pictures you would like at a discounted price before the Early Bird Deadline 18th November 2020

If you have any questions regarding viewing, please contact Pret-a-Portrait directly on 0800 021 7626 or customerservice@pret-a-portrait.net

Primary school (Reception) admission round opens on 9 November 2020, for parents/carers to apply for a Reception school place for the academic year that starts in September 2021.
The statutory national closing date for applications is 15 January 2021.
From 9 November 2020, applications can be made online via www.essex.gov.uk/admissions.

The admissions team do not send letters to parents about making an application. All of the application and admissions information is available on the website above and via their website, social media and the printed press.

The website www.essex.gov.uk/admissions also has a copy of the Primary Education in Essex 2021-22 booklet and the Schools Admissions Policies Directories contain details of all admission policies.

Design a Christmas Card project with Prontaprint Bishops Stortford: Thank you so much to the designs already received.  Just to let you know it’s not too late!  Anna Sedgbeer is happy to take in orders still.  If you drop them off to the class teachers, she will arrange collection.  A reminder that payment for any orders can be made by cash or cheque, cheque payments should be made out to Prontaprint.  If you would like additional forms, just let your class teacher know.

Tik Tok and keeping safe online: It has become evident that there are a number of children using Tik Tok as well as other online platforms of staying in touch with their friends.  I would like to remind you of the importance of ensuring children are safe online, including making sure their account is private and them not being in images/ videos that has their school uniform visible, as this can be used to identify children. The National Online Safety and Net Aware websites have lots of great information to remind parents and children about the ways to keep safe online.   The National Online Safety website information link can be found here: https://nationalonlinesafety.com/guides/what-parents-need-to-know-about-tiktok and Net Aware here: https://www.net-aware.org.uk/networks/tiktok/

Traffic Around School: I have noticed this week that the traffic around school is growing!  I know that the rainy weather means that more parents are driving to school and want to get as close as possible, however, can I please remind you that there is no parking allowed on the yellow zig zags in School Lane.  Parking is also not permitted on the school grounds or outside the school gates.  I would also ask that you are respectful to other drivers and our neighbours when parking in the surrounding streets.

In order to ensure children start the day on time, I am closing the main school gate at 8.55am.  The 8.30am school opening time is still in place.

Finally, could I also please remind you to socially distance as much as possible, including leaving the school grounds promptly; thank you.

Coming up:

Children in Need – Friday 13th November: Next week is the BBC Children in Need fundraising event. We will be holding a ‘Henham’s Children In Need’ Pyjama Day. Children (and adults!) can come to school in their pyjamas (or non-uniform if they prefer), and make a donation on the gate for vulnerable families in our community.

PSA AGM: The PSA are holding their Annual General Meeting via zoom this year on Monday 16th November at 7.30pm.  If you would like to attend, please contact Katie Moxley at Katie.PSA@henhamugley.essex.sch.uk who will be able to provide you with more details.  A link to the event will be sent nearer the time.

Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying 20th November: 16th-20th November is Anti-Bullying week. Every class will be organizing some awareness raising about Anti-Bullying all week. We are joining in with the National Awareness raising day on Friday 20th November and asking everyone to come to school wearing ODD SOCKS! (no donation).

Keep safe everyone,



Kim Hall
