23rd October 2020

Dear parents/ carers,

Well, we have made it to half term! This is a short newsletter after last week’s mammoth read!

Just a couple of things…

School Lunches: Baguettes are back! From Wednesday 4th November, the kitchen will be serving baguettes as well as a roast dinner on Wednesdays.

The Dragon Fund: I have been asked by some parents about how they can help the school financially as we are unable to fund raise through PSA planned events at the moment.

The Dragon Fund was set up so that either one off or regular amounts can be donated to the school to help deliver important projects, services and materials which can no longer be paid for with government funding.

The difference that any donation can make, however small, should not be underestimated. If every family with a child at the school contributed £5 per month, over £4,000 of much needed funds would be raised each year!

You can; make a one-off payment or set up a regular standing order from your bank account to the following account:

Account Name: The Dragon Fund

Bank: National Westminster Bank

Sort Code: 60-02-36

Account Number: 67825966

For more information, please look at our website: https://henhamugley.essex.sch.uk/the-dragon-fund/

PSA: ‘The Giving Machine’ a great way to help the school! The Giving Machine is a fantastic initiative that donates money to our school every time you shop online, using the App on your phone, tablet, or laptop.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Have a wonderful half term, I look forward to seeing you back on Tuesday 3rd November.

Keep safe everyone,



Kim Hall
