5th March 2021

Dear parents/ carers,

It’s finally arrived – the last day of home schooling!

This week’s newsletter is a list, in preparation for the return to school for all children on Monday.

Breakfast/ After School Provision:  Our full wrap around provision resumes from Monday 8th March.  Bookings can be made through your Scopay account.  Please contact the office if you need any support with this.

Laptop returns: Could you please ensure that school laptops are returned by 3.30pm on Monday 8th March.  Mrs Hipperson and Mrs Nicholls in the school office will be signing them back in, so ALL laptops need to be returned via the school office.  Please be mindful of keeping socially distanced if there is a queue to return.

Sickness Absence Reporting:  All absences need to be reported to school by 9.30am on the first day of absence; the reason for the absence also needs to be given due to the different coding options on the register.

This can be reported via email to admin@henhamugley.essex.sch.uk or by calling the school on 01279 850213, clearly stating the reason for the absence.  We will telephone you If we have not heard from you by 9.30am, or need to clarify the reason for absence.

Lateral Flow Tests (LFT):  The full guidance can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/rapid-lateral-flow-testing-for-households-and-bubbles-of-school-pupils-and-staff

Please follow the instructions from the guidance about adults accessing a full PCR test and contacting school if your LFT gives a positive result.   Primary aged children are not being tested.

Lunch Menu:  Mrs Nicholls has sent out the revised menu for the next three weeks today, the link to the copy on the website is here: https://henhamugley.essex.sch.uk/parents/school-lunches/

Drop off and pick up times:  A reminder, from Monday 8th March, the school gates will open at 8.30am and close at 8.55am to allow for a self-stagger drop off in the morning.  Pick up is between 3 and 3.15pm.  Can I please also remind parents and carers to leave the school site promptly to ensure the self-stagger is effective.

Parking: Can I please urge parents not to park down School Lane, Pimblet Row and Sages if possible, as children return to school on Monday.  There is no parking permitted on the school grounds.  Thank you for your consideration to our neighbours.

Snacks:  A reminder that we are a no nut school due to several children and staff having severe nut allergies.  Snacks and packed lunches must not contain nuts or seeds.

Face masks on site:  Please remember to wear your face covering on school grounds from Monday, adults only.  If you are exempt, it would be helpful if you have your hidden disabilities lanyard visible to avoid me reminding you to wear a  face covering.

Resources: attached are the presentation and resource pack from the Emotional Literacy and Regulation Parent Workshop held this week which you may find useful.

Free School Meals:  During this challenging time your circumstances may have changed and this may mean you are now eligible for free school meals.  Mrs Hipperson is able to run a check if you think you may now qualify.  Please contact her directly in confidence at admin@henhamugley.essex.sch.uk if you would like to discuss this further with her.

Shoes! I have had quite a few parents ask me about footwear as they have just found out their child’s school shoes no longer fit!  Please do not go and panic buy a pair of shoes; your child can wear smart trainers up until Easter.

PE Kit:  On a day when PE is to take place, children will come to school in their PE kit and stay in it all day.  On Monday 8th March, Reception, Year 2 and Year 3 will need to come into school in their PE kit.

I think that’s about it for now!  Apologies for the list, it seemed the simplest way to cover everything.

So, this weekend, sit back, relax, don’t think about home schooling but give yourselves a huge pat on the back for how brilliant you have all been.

I can’t wait to see you all on Monday morning 😊

With my continued best wishes,


Kim Hall
