3rd December 2021

Dear parents/ carers,

I’m going to start off this week with a huge thank you for your support this with the Travelling Book Fair.  So far, £699 worth of book sales have been made, which amounts to an incredible £359 worth of books for our school.  As every purchase earns our school rewards, which we can use to stock our library further, there’s still time to go online and purchase books – you now have until 12 noon on Monday 6th December.  For those parents wishing to purchase books as Christmas presents for their children, we are happy to look after these for you to collect from the school office, just let Mrs Hipperson or Mrs Nicholls know.

A message from the PSA: Due to rising cases of Covid, we are sadly having to cancel our PSA Christmas Bazaar this year. However we are happy to tell you that the Santa’s Grotto event on 10th December will still go ahead, but will be held outdoors and under cover by the Reception and Nursery classrooms.

We will still be offering hot refreshments and mince pies to those with booked time slots, and there will be Christmas crafting activities to entertain the children whilst you are waiting. As our outdoor space is limited, please come along at your allocated time slot only, which will help us to allow for social distancing and prevent overcrowding.

There are still a number of time slots left from 4.20 onwards, so please do come along and grab a ticket whilst you still can, they are available at the school gates!

Finally, our raffle will also still go ahead on 13th December also, as well as the Christmas Parties on 14th December. Raffle tickets are selling fast due to our amazing list of prizes! If you have spare tickets in your child’s book bag that you do not wish to purchase, please do return to us at the gates or via book bags, so that we can sell these on. Remember, all funds are going towards refurbishing our school library!

Tickets can still be purchased at the gates, or by returning with your child to school, so please do come along and pick some up if you haven’t already!  Thank you! H&U PSA

A message from Squires at Stansted: It’s that time of the year… again! I hope you are all well. I am writing to you to invite you to take part in an easy way to fund-raise for your school. Over the last 6 years many schools have taken advantage of this opportunity and earned as much as £100 for their school.  I will donate £5 to your school fund for every tree a parent buys through Squires of Stansted which is located at Sworders Fine Art Auctioneers in Stansted CM248GE.  A flyer is attached to this newsletter that the parents can either print it off (or if they are like me and forget) they can just tell me which school they are from when they buy their tree and I will put £5 per tree aside for your school. 

House Points:  Congratulations to the PURPLE Team who were our first placed winners this week.

40 30    20 10

Parenting Together Programme:  The Parenting Together Programme is for parents who are experiencing stress and/or conflict in their relationship. The programme supports parents to address conflict, find ways to manage stress and disagreements and strengthen their parenting skills. Support is provided by Tavistock Relationships and Relate and is available for one or both parents, whether together or separated and is delivered 1:1 or through group sessions.  Parents can self-refer and someone from the Programme will contact them directly.

Resources and additional information on healthy relationships can be found on the Livewell Campaign website – https://www.livewellcampaign.co.uk/livewell-articles/healthy-relationships/

EFSS Winter Scene Competition: It’s competition time! The Essex Family Support Team have put together an exciting winter themed competition for the children and young people of Essex!We would like children aged 8 – 19years to design and draw their very own winter scene.The best submission received in the following age groups: 8-13 years & 14-19 years will win a hamper of goodies. Winner to be decided by a group of our wonderful drawing experts, and parents notified w/c 3rd January 2022.

Simply put a photo of the winter scene in the comments of the original competition post on the Community360 Facebook page to enter, between 1st December and 6pm Friday 31st December. (Entries after this time will not be counted).

We hope you all have fun this winter season and enjoy the holidays. We cannot wait to see all your wonderful winter scene creations!   Community360 Facebook link – https://www.facebook.com/community360org

A request from Mrs Cowell: I wondered if families have any small sensory or fiddle toys at home that they might be willing to donate to our school. I am also looking for small toys such as: chattering teeth, wind-up toys, toys that make noise and toys that are highly motivating for young children and probably rather annoying for parents!!

If you do have anything to donate it would be most appreciated, do please leave in the school office or give to class teachers.  Thanks so much, Jules Cowell.

Finally, the number of positive cases and suspected cases of Covid has risen dramatically this week.  In order to keep everyone safe, could I please ask you to lateral flow test your children twice each week.  If your child is displaying any of the listed symptoms, cough, temperature or loss of taste or smell, please do not bring your child into school but take them for a PCR.  Even if a negative PCR result is received, it is still important to continue to lateral flow regularly.  If you need to order LFT kits, they can be ordered by clicking here: https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests Thank you for your continued support in keeping our school community safe.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, with best wishes,


Kim Hall
