19th March 2021

Dear parents/ carers,

How wonderful it was at drop off this morning seeing the children dressed up in such a wonderful assortment of clothes and costumes!  I’d mentioned last week it was wear what you want day in aid of Comic Relief, and I thank you all for really getting into the spirit with such a fantastic assortment of pyjamas, super heroes, casual wear, princesses, plus some fantastic hair styles too!  I should think many of you had to get up extra early!

Thank you so much for those of you that gave a donation this morning.  We are still collecting, so if you haven’t dropped off your £1 donation, you’ve still got time, just pop it into your child’s class teacher.  I’ll give you a final amount raised in next week’s newsletter.

Active Essex are pleased to be delivering the Essex ActivAte holiday activity and food programme across Essex on behalf of Essex County Council. Through the Easter, Summer and Christmas holidays, Essex ActivAte will deliver a blended offer of support which will include face to face holiday activity for primary school aged children, an outreach offer for secondary school aged children, nutrition education for all of the family,  a schedule of fun sessions and activities taking place virtually through the Keep Essex Active YouTube channel as well as holiday activity packs.

Over Easter they are launching over 65 ActivAte clubs across Essex, including specialist clubs for SEND pupils and mental wellbeing hubs. These clubs are completely free for young people who are eligible for benefits based free school meals or working families who need additional support this Easter holidays. Clubs will include fun activities, arts and crafts for at least 4 hours a day over the 8 days of the Easter holidays. Plus every child attending will get a healthy, tasty lunch!

Please see attached leaflet for more information and for Easter club booking links please check out the Active Essex website https://www.activeessex.org/activateeasterbooking/.

Henham Mental Health Day, Wednesday 24th March.  Non-uniform day!  We all know how important it is to look after our children’s mental health, and next Wednesday, all classes will be taking part in activities and lessons to support this.  It will be a non-uniform day and children can wear comfy/ casual clothes 😊

Finally, as next week is the last week of the spring term, school will finish at 1.15pm on Friday 26th March.  Breakfast club will run as normal on this day, but there will be no after school club for this afternoon only.  Breakfast club and after school club will resume when we return after the Easter holidays, on Monday 12th April.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, at last the sun is shining!


Kim Hall
