11th September 2020

Dear parents/ carers,

As we come to the end of the first full week back at school, I continue to be so proud of all the children.  They are so focused on their learning, albeit a lot of assessments this week!

I am currently considering how best to organise parent consultations, and will get back to you with details as soon as possible, as to how the autumn term consultations will look this year.

Drop off and collection: The decision to change the drop off and pick up times has made a huge improvement to the number of parents and carers on site at any one time – thank you so much for self-staggering! Therefore, we will continue with these timings.

Drop off is anytime between 8.30am and 9am and pick up is from 3pm – 3.15pm.

If you have an older child that wants to walk home on their own, or walk to your car, please can you ensure you email your written permission to Mrs Hipperson in the office: admin@henhamugley.essex.sch.uk  We cannot allow children to leave school on their own without this written permission.

Please also state the time you would like them to leave – either 3pm or 3.15pm.  If you do not state a time, they will finish at the usual 3.15pm.

Finally, when you come to collect your child, can you please ensure that you leave the school site as quickly as possible.  The play equipment on the key stage one playground, must not be used after school; thank you.

Wasps! As many of you are aware, there are a lot of wasps around and in particular I was asked about a nest at the end of school lane.  This is to confirm that a pest company have inspected the area and there are no nests – there is however a lot of wasps feeding themselves on the delights of the large bush! Please take care as you walk by.

Thank you:  Thank you to Mr. Walters for the donation of 20 new trigger bottles – these are full of Milton already!

Absence Reporting:  A reminder, that if your child is unwell and not going to be in school, you need to report your child’s absence, this needs to be by 9.30am for each day of absence, either by phone call or email to the school office.

In addition, if your child develops any of the following symptoms

  • New continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • Loss or change to their sense of smell or taste.

You must inform the school and follow the guidance, found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/stay-at-home-guidance-for-households-with-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection

You can arrange for your child to have a test, by clicking here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing-and-tracing/get-a-test-to-check-if-you-have-coronavirus/

Finally, accompanying this newsletter, is the autumn term update from the PSA, full of information including details of the next meeting.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,


Kim Hall
