13th December 2022

Dear parents/ carers,

Thanks to a super bunch of helpers, we now have a pathway clear for the children to return to school tomorrow.

There will need to be some changes to drop off and pick up tomorrow and possibly for the rest of the week.

  • To reduce congestion on the side roads around school and allow for extra time to travel to school in the morning, there will be an extended drop-off period: 8.30am – 9.10am tomorrow.


Entrance and pick up points:

  • Main school gate: Nursery, Reception, Year 1 – following the clear path through to Nursery.
  • Front entrance: Year 2, 3 and 4
  • Year 6 external door: Year 5 and 6.

If you have children in classes that require different drop offs – you will still need to use the relevant access points detailed above.

Please be advised, there is still a vast amount of snow and ice on site and also along the paths and road of School Lane.

  • Could I please request for the safety of everyone, that no-one drives down School Lane but parks and walks down to school. It really is too much of an ice rink to drive down School Lane safely and then manoeuvre back out again.

Please enter the school site with extreme caution, as I say, there is still a vast amount of snow and ice around; if you could remind your children to stay within the cleared areas too.

  • Children will need suitable waterproof footwear (eg wellies or boots) and a warm coat. Children can bring in alternative suitable footwear to wear indoors.
  • Children without suitable footwear or a coat, (should we be able to), will not be permitted outside at breaktime or lunchtime. Outside breaktimes will need to be adapted depending on the severity of the grounds and/or shortened to prevent the children becoming too cold.

Thank you for your understanding, I will let you know if any of the above changes over the next few days.  Please do take care on the roads and around school.

With best wishes,


Kim Hall
