3rd September 2021

Dear parents/ carers,

Welcome back to the start of the autumn term!  I hope you all had a super summer break – whatever you managed to do.

It is always so lovely to welcome the children back after the summer and see their happy smiling faces and this year is no exception.  The children are settling into their new classes beautifully and are already impressing me with their eagerness to learn.  What a super time I had with year 3 – they created a wonderful piece of rain storm music using their bodies as instruments! Absolutely fantastic!

A warm welcome to our new families in years 1 and 4 along with our Reception children and parents; it certainly isn’t easy having to drop our youngest children at the class gate, but, as with all the classes, the children (and parents), have coped brilliantly and they are already settling in so well!

A warm welcome too, to our lovely new teachers – Mrs Fleming, Mrs Heaps and Mrs Patten.  Mrs Brennan has started her maternity leave and we are all missing her already.  I will let you know as soon as Baby B arrives!

It has been a busy summer with improvements to the school and I am delighted that our new Year 2 classroom is complete and in use.  As well as this, the contractors have managed to completely replace our heating system throughout the school as well as installing two new boilers and update our plant room – all in such a short amount of time!

The contractors will be on site for another couple of weeks to ensure there are no issues and to remove all the fencing and equipment around the school.

Clubs: After school clubs will start week commencing 20th September.  The lovely Mrs Nicholls is in the process of organising the clubs and will be sending out information and details of how to book as soon as possible.

Wrap around provision:  Our before and after school club is available each day, and you can book a slot online via Scopay.  If you haven’t used this facility before or are unsure how to book a slot, please do get in touch with Mrs Hipperson or Mrs Nicholls in the school office: admin@henhamugley.essex.sch.uk who will be happy to help.

Music tuition: Music lessons for those already signed up via Essex Music Tuition will resume week commencing 20th September.  If you would like your child to receive peripatetic music lessons this term, there is still time.  More information can be found here: https://www.essexmusichub.org.uk/site/parents-carers/your-childs-music-tuition/instrumental-tuition/

Children leaving school on their own: If you have an older child that wants to walk home on their own, or walk to your car, please can you ensure you email your written permission to Mrs Hipperson in the office: admin@henhamugley.essex.sch.uk  We cannot allow children to leave school on their own without this written permission.

Please also state the time you would like them to leave – either 3pm or 3.15pm.  If you do not state a time, they will finish at 3.15pm.

Additionally, when you come to collect your child, can you please ensure that you leave the school site as quickly as possible.  The play equipment on the key stage one playground, must not be used after school; thank you.

Absence Reporting:  If your child is unwell and not going to be in school, you need to report this to us by 9.30am, for each day of absence, either by phone call or email to the school office.   We have to report attendance to the DfE, including the reason so it is important that we are aware of any absence related to Covid-19.

In addition, if your child develops any of the following symptoms

  • New continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • Loss or change to their sense of smell or taste.

You must inform the school and follow the guidance, found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/stay-at-home-guidance-for-households-with-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection

You can arrange for your child to have a test, by clicking here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing-and-tracing/get-a-test-to-check-if-you-have-coronavirus/

PE Days:  You may remember, following last years parent forum, we agreed that your child will come into school in their PE kit on the days they have PE.  Additionally, in line with ECC health and safety, no jewellery, including stud earrings can be worn.  Please ensure earrings are removed before your child comes into school, thank you.

For your information, class PE days are as follows:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Year 1

Year 3

Year 5

Year 6

Year 1

Year 2

Year 4

Year R

Year 3

Year 6

Year 2

Year 4

Year 5

Secondary School Places: If your child is in year 6, you can apply for a secondary school (year 7) place between 10 September 2021 and 31 October 2021.  For your reference, full information along with application details, can be found here: https://www.essex.gov.uk/apply-for-a-secondary-school-place

Reception School Applications 2022: If your child is due to start school in September 2022, you can apply for a Reception school place at an Essex primary school between 8 November 2021 and 15 January 2022.   I will be providing one to one tours after school throughout this term, which can be booked through the school office.  For more information on the application process, please click here: https://www.essex.gov.uk/apply-for-a-primary-school-place

School Facebook Page:  For those of you that are unaware, we have a private school information page on Facebook.  If you would like to join, you can find us by clicking here and completing the sign up request: https://www.facebook.com/groups/534757024125991

Some dates for your diary:

Flu Vaccinations: Tuesday 21st Septembertimes and information to follow.

School Photographs – Individual and Sibling Photos: Thursday 7th Octobertimes and information to follow.

Parent Consultations: Following the agreement at the parent forum last year, our first consultations of the school year will be face to face.  If this changes due to government guidance, we will host them via Teams.

Tuesday 19th October 3.30pm – 6pm

Thursday 21st October 3.30pm – 6pm

Non Pupil Day: Friday 22nd October

Half Term: Monday 25th – Friday 29th October

Non Pupil Day: Monday 1st November

As always, should you have any concerns, worries, questions – anything at all, my door is always open.  You can find me on the playground at drop off and after school most days. Or I can be contacted at head@henhamugley.essex.sch.uk  If you would like to speak to your child’s class teacher, after school is the best time as the mornings are rather busy ensuring the children settle into class and we try to minimise the numbers on the school grounds.  Alternatively, you can always email or call Mrs Hipperson or Mrs Nicholls in the school office, who will be happy to arrange an appointment for you.

Thank you all for your support, here’s to a great term!


Kim Hall
