14th January 2022

Dear parents/ carers,

It’s been a great start to the new term with whole school attendance levels higher than expected at 97.83%.

A reminder of the latest government guidance, if your child tests positive on a Lateral Flow Device, for most people, a follow-up PCR is not required.  You should contact the school to advise, self-isolate immediately and register your result to allow contact tracing to take place.

LFD tests are to be used by people without COVID-19 symptoms. Anyone who has one of the core symptoms of COVID-19 – a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – should self-isolate and take a PCR test. They must self-isolate if they get a positive test result, even if they have had a recent negative lateral flow test – these rules have not changed.

In line with the reduced self-isolation approach announced on 22 December, anyone who tests positive can leave self-isolation 7 days after the date of their initial positive test if they receive 2 negative LFD results, 24 hours apart, on days 6 and 7.  Day one is the day after the LFT was positive.  For the latest information on testing, please click here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/people-with-a-positive-lateral-flow-test-no-longer-required-to-take-confirmatory-pcr-test

With a 96% target for attendance, here is a class breakdown for school attendance so far this term:

Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
97.58% 98.57% 96.63% 98.86% 98.05% 98.29% 96.84%

A reminder of the E-safety event, Wednesday 19th January:  Are you concerned about your child’s safety on the internet and would like advice and support on how to keep them safe?   The Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service is presenting a virtual safety parent workshop on Wednesday 19th January between 8-9.30pm.  Places are free.  To book, simply call:  0300 247 0122.

Parking:  I have noticed more and more cars parking down School Lane, Pimblett Row and Sages.  I have been contacted by a resident in Pimblett Row that a parent from school had parked across her drive and they were unable to access their property.

I appreciate that with wet and cold weather, with more people driving, there is a shortage of parking, but please could I ask that parents are considerate when parking and think of local residents; thank you.

Parent Reader Volunteer Session:  We have rearranged the session with Mrs Espie, for those of you that would like to support us in school.  The session has been arranged for Tuesday 25th January at 2pm.  The training will cover various procedures including changing books, reading with children and how to work and support a small group of children (within the classroom).

If you would like to become a parent volunteer, and can attend the training session, please notify Mrs Hall by Friday 21st January.  If you don’t already hold a DBS with us, we will arrange this.

House Points:  Congratulations to the PURPLE Team who were our first placed winners again this week.

40 30    20 10

Attached is a flyer from the Essex Child & Family Wellbeing Service that has come through this week., filled with some great links and support ideas.

Lastly, I wanted to celebrate Ben M in Year 4’s amazing news this week – a distinction in his level 1 rock guitar examination; well done Ben, I’m so proud of you!

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

With best wishes,


Kim Hall
