13th January 2023

Dear parents/ carers,

Our first full week back and we started off the week with a fantastic complimentary pantomime performance from M and M Productions; Snow White.  What a treat!  Everyone got involved; so many giggles on a Monday afternoon.  Well done to Mrs Brogan and Mrs Parnell who were great sports in the ‘dancing’ event during the performance!

School Census, Thursday 19th January: as part of the January School Census, the number of children having a school lunch on Thursday 19th, helps towards our Universal Infant Free School Meal funding (UIFSM) for the financial year 2023-24.   We would therefore request that as many children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have a school meal on Thursday.  There is no cost for the meal to those year groups through the current UIFSM funding.

Lunch on Thursday is Bolognaise and shortbread – always a popular choice.  As always, vegetarian alternative and baguettes with a selection of fillings are also available.  Many thanks in advance for your support with this; it really does make an impact to the schools budget.

It’s not too late to enter the Uttlesford District Council art competition!  Closing date is Friday 3rd February.

It was wonderful giving out Headteachers awards at this mornings celebration assembly.  Congratulations and well done this week to:

Nursery Class Mia
Reception Class Finn & Arabella
Year 1 Isla & Franky
Year 2 Freya & Lucy
Year 3 Ethan & Millie
Year 4 Henry & Jack Gl
Year 5 Zena & Loui
Year 6 Charlie N & Persephone

House Points: Well done to the BLUE Team who have taken first placed position this week!

40    30  20 10


A message from Essex County Council:  Foster carers don’t think of themselves as superheroes but at Essex County Council we sure do and we’re pretty certain the children they support do too.

Our foster carers are giving children a safe and nurturing home, perhaps for the first time. One where they can enjoy their childhood and the same opportunities all children should have.

Training is local, support is 24/7 and your family could receive £504.71 per child, per week. You can find out more by visiting the website, calling 0800 801 530 or join our online information event on Saturday 28th January.

Dates!  I am pleased to attach the term dates for the academic year 2023-24.   Below, please find some key dates for your diary for the spring and summer term coming up.

Lateness:  A reminder, that the children need to be in class for the register by 8.55am.  Anyone arriving at the school gate after 8.55am will be directed to register late at the front office.

Arriving on time is so important, when children arrive late, they don’t have the social time to settle into class.  Many of them find it embarrassing for them, it can also disrupt the rest of the class who have already registered.

There is also the additional disruption caused at the front office, taking children around to their respective classes.

Thank you to those that are always here on time, it really does make a difference to the start of your child’s day.  If you know you are cutting it fine each morning, please can I urge you to make your new year’s resolution to be arriving earlier; thank you!

Uniform:  a polite reminder that sportswear with logos is not part of our PE kit and should not be worn.  Please do get in touch with me if you are unsure about the correct PE kit.  Thank you.

Finally, some of you have been keeping me up to date with next week’s weather!  Let’s hope it isn’t as bad as predicted.  Please do make sure your children have warm coats, hats, gloves, scarves etc.

That’s it for this week, have a super weekend, stay warm and I’ll see you all bright and breezy on Monday!


Kim Hall


Dates for your diary

Parent Consultations (face to face) Monday 27th March 3.30 – 6pm
Parent Consultations (face to face) Thursday 30th March 3.30 – 6pm
Whole Class photos Monday 22nd May
Year 3 and 4 Production Thursday 25th May

2 performances: 9.30am and 1.30pm

Whole school (including nursery) Family Sports morning and picnic Thursday 29th June 9.30 – 1pm
Monday 3rd July Whole school open afternoon 3.15 – 4.15pm
KS2 competitive sports afternoon Wednesday 12th July 1pm