Dear parents/ carers,

Another week has flown by and I am delighted that the following children were presented with my Headteacher awards this morning.  Congratulations go to:

EYFS/ Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2
Positive Attitude Lola (year 1) Miella (year 6)
Effort Samuel (EYfS) Christina (year 4)
Manners Scarlett P (year 2) Charlie (year 5)


Volunteers – Thank you to those of you who have spoken to me about volunteering at school.  To clarify, I understand it is not always possible to commit to a regular time/ day each week, however we would still love you to come in and hear readers whenever you have some spare time.  We will need to conduct our own DBS to ensure we comply with safeguarding procedures and more information about this can be provided by myself, Mrs Hipperson or Mrs Nicholls in the office.

If you would like to volunteer but are unable to attend my safeguarding session on Tuesday 8th October, please do come and speak to me – thank you.

PSA – a reminder that the PSA are holding their annual jumble sale this Saturday 21st September from 12 until 3pm.  If you are able to help set up or clear away, please do let us know.

Don’t forget the PSA will be holding a meeting at the Cock Pub on Monday 23rd September from 8pm, and would love to see you there.

Parking – could I please request that parents/ carers do not drive down School Lane in the mornings, but park away from School Lane and walk the children into school.  It has been particularly hectic during the last two weeks, and reducing the traffic in School Lane will ensure the safety of the children.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Diary dates – We have now received the sporting events for the next term, and I am currently updating the diary dates document; a revised calendar will be sent out with my newsletter next week.

Sports Kit Vouchers – As you may be aware, Aldi are currently promoting ‘Aldi’s kit for schools’ and Henham is taking part!  For every 300 Team GB stickers collected, we can receive a free schools sport kit.  The promotion ends on the 3rd November.  We have two large posters which take 300 stickers each to fill – how amazing would it be to fill both posters!  The stickers can be sent in with your child, or dropped off to the office.  I will keep you updated on how we are doing.

A message from Mrs Cowell – Coffee morning Thursday 26th September (cake and coffee from school drop off)

I am very excited that we have arranged for Jo McCarey who works at the Chiropractor Clinic in Saffron Walden to come and talk about the work she does with children (please see attached flyer). Jo’s special area of interest is ‘retained reflexes’ and the impact on learning and behaviour, which can even be an issue for children without special needs.

The coffee morning is open to all parents: including those who may have some concerns about their children; any parents with an interest in SEND and of course parents of children with identified additional needs. Or simply just come along for coffee and cake if you would like to! It would be lovely to see you there.

The idea is to create a supportive group that can meet half-termly and also to have a short talk each time about a different area of SEND which will include future sessions about anxiety and mental health.

Please do email me or phone the school 01279 850213, to let me know if you would like to come.

A reminder of what’s coming up next week…

Saturday 21st September, 12 – 3pm PSA Jumble sale in school hall

Monday 23rd September 8pm – PSA meeting at the Cock Pub, Henham

Monday 23rd September – Year 5 and 6 trip to Kentwell Hall

Thursday 26th September – 9am Coffee morning with Mrs Cowell, School hall


Have a lovely weekend, with best wishes,

Kim Hall
