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Sport, and physical activity generally, is a key part of Henham life. We don’t just do it because we have to. We place great value on the life skills it helps to develop and the relationships and respect it fosters, as well as the long-term health, social and emotional benefits it brings.


At Henham, we offer a wide array of sports clubs throughout the academic year including football, running, netball, hockey, athletics, gymnastics and dance to name but a few. We have various teams who proudly represent us at inter-school matches.


Our school is part of the Uttlesford School Sport Partnership (USSP), which gives our children the chance to experience some familiar, and also different, sports and events. These range from football, high 5s netball, tag rugby, cross country, dodgeball, indoor athletics and rounders to archery, dance, swimming, 3 tees cricket, rapid fire cricket, kwik cricket, quad kids, tennis, talent camp, multi-sports…… and more!

The partnership also provides a platform for competing against other schools in the area. The USSP Athletics competition, commonly known as District Sports, is a key date in the school calendar and an event with which Henham has a long history of success.

Sports Day

This takes place during the summer term and is a highlight of the year for the whole school community. Families and carers come armed with picnics, blankets and gazebos for a day of fun in the sun (well, that’s the plan anyway!). Children participate in competitive sports in the morning and then silly “It’s a Knock Out” style games in their houses in the afternoon. Always great fun and always involves plenty of water!

Everyday health & well-being

We are strong advocates of The Daily Mile, an initiative to improve concentration levels and learning in the classroom. The children don their trainers and walk, jog or run with classmates and staff. A fun and sociable activity with proven benefits.

Mindfulness is the big buzz word of the moment. At Henham, we incorporate some simple strategies into the school day, including breathing exercises and yoga, and see these techniques as valuable coping mechanisms for all in the modern world.


In 2018, we were honoured and delighted to receive the National School Games Mark Platinum Award for the second year running. This prestigious accolade, only presented to 104 schools across the entire country, is in recognition of Henham’s commitment to sports’ development and competition, both within the school and the wider community.

Well done to the children, staff and entire school community. A fantastic team effort!